Thursday, 23 October 2008

In The Pink....

It's cancer awareness day in the college so students are using this as an escuse to dress in pink. I didn't because I don't have anything pink so I told them my T shirt was khaki pink. Later when asked why I wasn't wearing pink I said "I am wearing my girlfriends underwear". Then after the initial response I added "No I'm not, that was last week"!!.
Student: "I look damn good in a TuTu".


Anonymous said...

Can you get Robsi a date? He likes pink!!

Tracy Anne said...

Oh how I miss it!! :(
I love the guy sat in the music room at the back haha! He looks at bit like "what is going on?!" hehe
Did Kat do that to Danny? hehe!!

Anonymous said...

it scares me a little at how easy it is to get the lads in pink skirts...