Tuesday 20 May 2008

It's alive!... It's alive!.....

Here it is, the last week before study leave and the students have started fighting back, blogwise. Bring it on, I say.
Firtsly a message for Kelly. As long as Nick does not read this he will not know that you were finishing off your Film Studies work 5 minutes before the class started. To be honest no one would believe you were doing any work in the first place, you little table dancer.
I am drastically trying to get good material for the last week blog but the students seem to be;

A: Happy to be leaving.
B: Sad to be leaving.
C: Stressing over the upcoming exams.
D: Trying to get last minute work in.
E: Writing in each others leavers books.
F: Not giving a damn.

Last weekend was the the local brass band festival and beer walk and all I got was Dobcross Brass Band got pelted by peanuts. No funny photos, no one arrested (well, one, nearly arrested) and no juicy gossip. Come on people, you are letting me down. I would have thought at least one of you would have given me something worth writing about. Don't make me follow you all with a camera on Friday.
Actually that last sentence sounds a little wrong.
I hope to be back later today with an update.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whats most worrying is its my fault about the peanuts and thealmost-arrest ;S

I really should shut up sometimes...